
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

ya don't say?!

I remember as a kid my mom and I always laughing at the fact that no matter what we said, it didn't become acknowledged until my dad said it. I could tell him that the yankees were playing the mets, but until HE said it, it was like it didn't even exist. For years I thought this was something only my father did, until I started seeing it on TV. Claire did it to Clif, the mom did it to the dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding ... "you have to let men think THEY thought of it, even though you were really the one that did".
Fast forward and I'm 27 and now I see it all.the.time.

Case in point...

me: It's hot in here.
him: really? i don't think so.
me: ok.

:: 10min pass ::

him: it's hot in here!
me: :: eyebrow raises, takes a breath :: ... why yes it is.

or how about...

me: if we leave around 4 we're going to hit rush hour

:: repeat this every day for about a week ::

him: [on the day of the trip] ... it's almost 4 it's rush hour now!
me: NO SHIT!

patience is a virtue that i do not possess ... sigh


  1. Like when I say things and u try to steal my genius!!!

  2. Don't worry, I don't possess an ounce of patience either. We make it work though ;)
