After I picked my jaw up off the floor, of course I asked why. Of course it was some long answer about what I don't even remember. But still, I was in awe. How could that possibly be? Not even ONE person?
But I digress.
For years I had no one that I could literally consider my best friend until my junior year of high school where, in the land of pasta and gods [ie the Italy/Greece HS trip], this spunky, curly haired chick by the name of Christina stepped into my life.
And for the first time I knew what "best friends" were all about. We were always together, always laughing, always passing notes. We would get home, have dinner, and then call each other for 3 more hours as our parents looked at us totally exasperated and wondering wtf we could possibly STILL be talking about.
Through her I met "Little C", who quickly became best friend #2 in HS, and over the years best friend #1 in life. A decade later and we still act pretty much the same way we did in high school [I have yet to figure out if that's good or bad lol].
Suddenly, after 17 years of having no best friend, I had two. I learned that a best friend did not have to be ONE person. I think that was always my problem with the do you possibly just have one single person that you hold to that regard. Maybe I just got lucky with the types of people that were in my life, but it was just hard for me to understand.
I went off to college with two wonderful best friends but they were far. One closer than the other but far nonetheless. Enter best friend #3. I technically met Tasha our senior year of high school but didn't really start talking until freshman year of college. For me to say she was my savior in that school would be an understatement, but it's the best way to describe what she meant to me. She was always the person I fell on, through the good or the bad. We were both from the Bronx and we "got" each other. I went through everything in college with her, and I promise that was a lot.
Totally thinking I was maxed out on this best friend business, imagine my surprise when my 5th year of college, this skinny peanut headed boy walked into my apartment and became best guy friend #1. The early stages of our friendship were reminiscent of a love story, minus the love because we were pretty much friends right off the bat. He lived in the city and I was upstate still so everything revolved around the phone. Hours of it. I can literally say that we spoke on the phone We quickly developed a no-holding-back mentality. The stories we shared delved into everything, regardless of how embarassing, personal, or crazy they were. Despite all of this we never judged each other. Ever. [The one time he ever judged my actions was a few years ago and turns out he was totally right in his thinking...should listen to that kid more often lol].
So there they best friends. I actually feel like I have more and could keep going but I think I'd be here for another 20 paragraphs. There are people not on this list who I don't call my best friend but they are sure enough up there on the friendship ladder. It's crazy for me to think that I have such amazing people in my life but I do. I can't say this enough but those 4 people I specifically listed have almost never judged me, and on the odd time they did, they were right.
Of course our friendships aren't the same as they were when they began. Life gets in the way. We are no longer 18. People move, fall in love, get engaged, have babies. I wish I could sit on the phone with them for hours every day but let's get serious, that's not going to happen. And that's ok. Because these people are the type that I can not talk to for days, or see for a few years, but when we do it's like nothing changed. We get each other so well and love each other so much that we just fall right back into tune, an endless song that never misses a beat.
My dear best friends, I love you more than I will ever be able to express.
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