
Saturday, October 23, 2010

i got homies

I very recently got into an argument with someone, and mid argument i get "you really do want a can only be happy worshiped."


:: pause ::

First of all, fuck you.

Secondly, we [this person and I] simply just do not get along. I don't have many people that i can say that i honestly just DON'T like, but this one of them. I've tried to like them for like 6 months now and have failed. And no they are not a bad person in the absolute least. We just don't get along.

Needless to say, that comment pissed me off so much because it obviously isn't true. I have been blessed with some amazing people in my life. And i know that they think i am amazing as well. But do they think that because i'm perfect and they tell me every day that i am?

Absolutely not.

I am difficult to say the least. I am moody. I get defensive. I [more often than not] speak before i think, resulting in not really a rude comment, but just an abrasive one. I wear my emotions on my face. I have a hard time pretending to be happy when i'm really just annoyed. I'm very "whatever" about many things and so on and so forth.

I know all of these things about myself. And anyone that knows me knows them too. But they don't stick around because i have some super power to make them do so. This is not gossip girl..i am not the Queen B and people do not fear me. I have amazing friends because for every shortcoming that i have, i have 2 good things to make up for it and vice versa. Every single person i know has a negative or two [or 5 or 10]. But that's not the point. The point is that their good is so good that you just deal with whatever negative they have.

That's kinda, sorta, the point of friendship.

Jus sayin.

I am very quickly getting over self-righteous people. Stop talking about how fantastic you are and how not-so-fantastic everyone else around you is. Stop turning everything into a classic interview scenario, of lets take a negative and turn it into a positive. No one is perfect. No one is flawless. And you are not god.

So do not judge.

I know a ton of people...more than i can even count but according to facebook, it's about 1000. Out of those "1000", i'd say possibly 50 are people i can actually call friends. people that i can call, talk to, hang out with, etc. and out of those 50, i'd say maybe 10...MAYBE...are people that i can call my true friends. and those true friends, despite my page long list of negatives, are people that have always been there for me, have listened to me, and most importantly, have never, evvveeeerrrr judged me or any of my actions [at least not out loud]. those people know who they are. the people that i have called crying or to tell them about something "crazy" i did, and i've never been met with anything other than "omg tell me!" the people that i can tell 98% of things to without a second thought [there is no one that i tell 100% of things to, sorry].

to you i thank you. and i heart you.

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