
Monday, July 19, 2010

Don't.Get.Got. - Part Deux

I'm surprised there's even a part 2 to this story but people never cease to amaze me.

I left work on Friday feeling like I had done a great deed; saved an innocent man from a scam, prevented any more money lost, and helped save his heart.

yeah i was totally wrong.

this morning i receive the following email from my coworker: "Prepare to write a Don't.Get.Got. Part 2" [hence the title].

needless to say, i practically ran to work and i was DYING to know what happened.

apparently the victim got his friend to call nigeria and ask for his special lady friend. some woman came on the phone and the victim proceeded to speak to her for the first time ever. she swore on her dead parents [because they're always dead in these stories] that this was not a scam, but indeed a real, blossoming love affair.

the result of all of this: the victim now has NO DOUBT that she is indeed real, and that the info we got is talking about other scammers. his lady is the real deal.


moral of this story: people are idiots. i will no longer feel bad when he gets bamboozled again and i will instead laugh.


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